

sveedocuments make usage of Django permissions and groups.

You need to use the Django admin and be a staff user with the right permissions for managing permissions and groups for your users.

And so, you can add the needed permissions globally to all documents within each user accounts.

  • All users can see the sitemap and visible pages (except if restricted mode is enabled);
  • Users with sveedocuments.add_page permission can create new pages;
  • Users with sveedocuments.change_page permission can edit pages, add them new attachment item or delete them;
  • Users with sveedocuments.delete_page permission can create delete pages;

Others Page’s and Insert’s model permissions have no roles on frontend.


sveedocuments use Django signals to send signals when a Page object or an Insert object is updated (created or edited), you can listen to them to perform some tasks.

These signals are :

  • sveedocuments.models.documents_page_update_signal for Page updates;
  • sveedocuments.models.documents_insert_update_signal for Insert updates;

Each of them send the page or insert intance and a boolean about update kind (edited if True, created if False) as method kwargs.


You can add many additional templates and each page can use its own template.

To define new templates just add them to your settings:

    'default': ('sveedocuments/page_details/page_default.html', gettext('Default template with document content only')),
    'custom_sample': ('sveedocuments/page_details/mytemplate.html', gettext('Custom template sample')),

Obviously, if you remove template that was allready used in your pages, there will be an error, you should modify them before removing their template.